Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Page 5 Panel 1


I’m doing something different with The Satan Killers than I did with Red and the Wolfe and that’s master backgrounds so I don’t have to paint the same thing in multiple panels; in Red I painted every frame. I’ve been frustrated with the slow progress but I realized I’m also skipping an entire step I did with Red which was refining my ink drawings with pencil layouts- and with this I’m working in photoshop directly from my ink sketches, so it is a lot more cleanup. I also went back and cleaned up some frames from the video, and added one, because I didn’t like where they were at when I started working on it. So it is going well. It has just been so long since it has gone well that I am extremely anxious to charge ahead at 1000% and my brain and hand just can’t handle that.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Soul of Revolver


I got a toy model 29 revolver on amazon for reference because Roger is left handed and I wasn’t sure how one would manipulate a revolver left handed. It was described as having “Soul of Revolver” and as far as I can tell it does.