Tuesday, July 27, 2021

MXR Distortion + and DOD 250 and Spiderman


Put an MXR Distortion+ and a DOD 250 in the same box, mostly because the guys who make these layouts work hard to make them as small as possible and it seems a waste to just put one in a box. These are also extremely similar, but using the BAT46 diodes in the DOD is pretty quiet, so the MXR can then be set to boost it which is neat. The case depicts a samurai fighting spiderman.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Godlabs IDs


Some lab IDs to test out the logos. I thought it would be funny if the IDs issued were unusually long so they wouldn’t fit in any of the regular ID holding devices made since the dawn of man, but I sort of abandoned that idea because I couldn’t think of more stuff to put on them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

God Labs Logos


I was working on logos for signs and IDs and such and had a couple triangle/double triangle concepts going. I wanted to avoid that direction though because people seem to derive some kind of meaning and power from triangles and other basic shapes. I looked up from working and a lady had a pendant with a triangle and circle in just such a configuration, confirming my reservation. Then I started going with this top heavy design and liked it as it looks both precarious and ominous. Made me think of that pedestal the guy from Shadow of the Colossus places the girl on; looks like it was made for smashing people

Monday, July 19, 2021

First Stripboard Fuzz

 Wired and working! I ordered more 24AWG wire but in the meantime I've been scavenging every leftover scrap from the kits I've made. This is a lot more fun and customizable than the kits, but they were a great starting point. I want to make a tube amp sometime in the future now.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Case Painted


Case painted, again going in a different direction than I was first thinking

Friday, July 16, 2021

DooM II: Hell on Earth, case


Sculpted some skulls onto a case I made for a fuzz I made. I was thinking of the soul gate from DooM II: Hell on Earth, but it kind of went in a different direction. I wasn’t sure if it’d stick or just come off in a sheet, but it seems to have baked on the aluminum.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Stripboard MXR Distortion+


Made an MXR Distortion+ from salvaged parts, it took every alligator clip I had to test it but it worked! The Red LEDs I’m using as clippers came from a broken blender I harvested and give a suprisingly great gnarly grit when turned up. This is the first stripboard circuit I’ve made after I started making pedal kits about a year ago, and it is even more fun and rewarding and I got 5 more circuits already lined up.

Monday, July 5, 2021

New Watermark


Just finished a new watermark for this era of my work. In school there was much made about hands and I never cared about drawing hands and felt like it was low hanging fruit to critique either positive or negative for when you didn’t really have anything helpful to comment on, so in part this is my retort to that. Also you ever reach out for something and retract your hand mangled? that too. Also this started when I was designing a logo for The God Labs, and real lab logos are always just like a hand with a test tube, so I was drawing a severed hand pinned to the ground with a dagger and in my head called it ‘The Black Hand of Science.’

Friday, July 2, 2021